
Showing posts from February, 2018

Tuesday, Febrauary 27th: Trinity College

Today we traveled to Hartford, CT for our first college visit of the Winterim. Our group enjoyed the sunshine and warm temperatures that the day provided for our trip to Trinity College. The morning started with an information session which let students get a sense of the uniques aspects of Trinity. Two student ambassadors who are currently seniors also provided an overview of what four years at Trinity looks and feels like. Our group then went on a tour of the campus, and we finished the day with lunch in the dining hall. Zach Bitan, a Forman alum from the class of 2013, joined us for lunch and gave our group an insider's perspective on Trinity and college in general. Zach received his bachelor's degree in Neuroscience from Trinity last year and is currently finishing up his Master's degree. Students were impressed by the architecture and feel of the campus, the accessible nature of the professors, and the strong sense of community. Tomorrow we will travel south to Fai...

College Tours of the Northeast - Itinerary

Chaperones: Meredith Davis, Jon Davis M. Davis email: J. Davis email: Emergency Contact: Call the AOD (860) 601-8545 Monday, February 26th (On Campus) Breakfast at Forman Morning: Meet in VPAC conference room Afternoon: Meet in VPAC conference room Dinner at Forman Tuesday, February 27th  Breakfast at Forman Visit Trinity College Depart: 9:15 am 10:30 am: Information Session 11:30 am: Tour 1:00 pm: Lunch in the dining hall 2:00 pm: Depart Trinity for Forman Dinner at Forman Wednesday, February 28th Breakfast at Forman Visit Fairfield University Depart: 9:15 am 10:45 am: Arrival 11:00 am: Lunch in the dining hall 12:00 am: Information Session 12:30 am: Campus Tour 1:45 pm: Depart Fairfield for Forman Dinner at Forman Thursday, March 1st Breakfast at Forman Visit University of Hartford Depart: 8:45 am 10:00 am: Campus Tour 11:00 am: Information Session 11:30 am: Depart U...